Tuesday, October 8, 2024

What is Wrong with People??

I live in the country.. well it used to be the country before the city started encroaching.. Now I live in sorta country. I have a barn and some farm animals. Ok.

But what annoys me to no end is people who for whatever reason believe that it is ok to drop off the last of the litter Male Kitten who needs to be neutered at a barn and expect them to survive. 

I have wild Foxes here.. they eat cats. We have coyotes.. who also eat cats. A young male cat showed up 4 days ago.. what a sweetheart.. Un-neutered and ready to party. My spayed female cat was not in the market for a boyfriend and let him know right away.

You could tell he had never been outside.. the farm animals scared him...all the noises and the sounds scared him. He was a house cat.. he belonged in a house. My girl cat came to me as a feral cat.. it took a couple of years for her to let me pet her. Now I can pick her up. No one else can- but I can. My dogs in the house are not cat people.

I spent my weekend calling everyone I know to see if they wanted a cat or knew someone who did. Today on a whim.. I went into a local business and just asked.. and I found her.. his new mom.. She has him now- he reminded her of a long ago family pet. He will have a family and be an indoor cat that he deserves to be.

But that is just one with a happy ending. How many cats are just dumped because of the costs? and ignorant people? I did call today and get a vet appt for a neuter (in case).. it will be $345 without tax for the neuter.. People can't pay that! But I also know there are low cost spay neuter programs around the area.

Honestly do not adopt a pet unless you can care for it. Pets are not disposable. They are family. And don't take a house cat and dump him at a farm that is dangerous to a house cat.

I figure that my cosmic sign that said "No more cats blew down" will be putting that back up tonight before anyone else thinks it is ok to drop off another cat.

Just my thoughts

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